Brandie Hadfield
“Lauren is a caring professional who is continually growing herself and her business in ways that will best service families…I highly endorse Lauren!”
I am loving your content! And continue to feel like “finally!” as no other sleep consultant as resonated with me. I continue to be very excited for the rest of the course. Much appreciation for putting this all together!
The 6-18 month sleep course is full of information that is actually baby and mom friendly. I really enjoyed that they focused on breastfeeding and nutrition. The information is very useful and totally different than any sleep course/book or information floating around out there. I actually did take a newborn sleep class from another “sleep consultant” who is very popular. It was meant from birth to 12 weeks. It worked, she slept, and there were no tears involved in the newborn course, however, my milk supply tanked!! I had to go on a power pumping regimen to regain it. It was so traumatizing. We’ve been slowly implementing some changes to schedule and we have seen improvement in her night and day sleep. I love that Lauren also has a baby led sleep Facebook group. It’s so reassuring to know that you aren’t alone and that many families experience interrupted nights with their babies. Thank you so much for offering a course that takes in mind the mental well being of parents and babies. This is a game changer!
Thank you so much for this experience! I am truly in love with everything you are teaching! I have always wanted to dive into attachment even further and so happy my journey has brought me to you! I took Expressive Arts (so I’m an Expressive Arts Practitioner as well) a few years back and that was one of my goals is to support families with their attachment journey through EXA, but have never done anything with it yet because i needed another piece. I feel that your course has brought everything I have been looking for and striving for into full circle and I’m finally starting to feel complete, which is very refreshing!
Thank you again!!
I am loving every minute of your course. I think you’ve done a wonderful job putting everything together!
Thanks you for creating such a wonderful community of sleep experts! I can’t thank you enough for opening my eyes to the amazing world of attachment parenting. This course not only change my life but has made me a better parent and I am forever thankful 🙂
This course has been amazing so far! It has helped me to understand my children on a whole new level. Having this knowledge has benefitted myself and our family greatly! Everything you teach reaches so much further than sleep, it is truly holistic and can change parenting and families in so many positive ways. I can’t wait to be able to share everything I have learned with other families in the future. Many mothers, children and families will benefit from the wealth you are sharing. And it will be amazing for families to be able to relax around sleep and to meet their children in their current place of development! Your courses and the community you are creating are going to make a large impact in helping to create positive change for our children’s future!
“Hey Lauren ! I’m loving the course so far I find it so interesting. I’m even noticing subconsciously how my behaviour has changed with the kids and the reaction I get from them. Toddlers will still be toddlers but my new viewpoint has made it way less stressful of a situation for me and allowed me to have extra patience for the kids. The experts are great, always answering everything in detail leaving me with a full understanding of the topic. I would recommend this course to anyone whether they are interested in a career with this or not I think every parent would benefit from taking this course and notice their parenting style shift.”
Emma Lendt
I am loving this course! It’s piecing together my intuition with science-based findings and helping me to see the long term, big picture. The self-pacing works really well for me, while the weekly webinars keeping me honest in my timeline. I’m already changing the way I interact with my family and I can’t wait to help others do the same.
This course has changed my life in every possible way. Lauren brings enthusiasm and experience to every webinar that she gives. She is very approachable and understanding and always keeps an open line of communication with her students. She communicates information exceptionally clearly and efficiently and uses relevant examples to make connections between the course material and daily life. I have only good things to say about her passionate style and proficiency at teaching. I am so grateful and honoured to be part of such an amazing group of inspiring woman who are going to make such an impact on families lives.
Nichola Cardella
The course material is exceptionally succinct comprehensive and very engagingly presented. I am finding myself excited to move onto the next section over and over again. Lauren cares deeply about education and it shows. I heartily recommend Lauren’s course as a valuable and the only starting point for anyone interested in learning about sleep without sleep training.
If you are looking for a sleep education who TRULY does not involve sleep training, a safe space that protects attachment and a committed loving teacher who is willing to share EVERYTHING she knows, I highly recommend Baby-led sleep certification.
It is my third certification and I am so glad I got to learn so many things not only to make me a better professional but also a better mother.
Would you like to evolve or repeat? There are many people still teaching infant sleep based on behavioral psychology written in the 70s, 80s, 90s. The emotional piece developed by Lauren based on Dr Neufelds developmental approach is what make this course so unique. A shift from sleep training to connection, love and deep attachment!!!
First of all my feedback is that this is amazing I am loving this course!
I love the pace, love that we have opportunity for questions, love the handouts. Thank you.
Ruth Johnson
I learned a lot and for me it was fundamentally helpful on a personal level by giving me research backed evidence to help me navigate all of the unsolicited advice I get from parents, in laws, my husband etc. about my baby’s sleep habits. I’ve never taken that “advice” and always did what felt right for me and baby and now I have the research from your specialists to present to those who tell me I’m doing it wrong.
I have been absolutely loving the content so far, it has been resonating with me so strongly.
Sleep is on the forefront of every parents mind in the first few years. And this was definitely the case for me with a 2-year-old and a 6-month-old at home when I signed up for the course. The goal is to start a business out of it, but the course has already brought me so much more than that. It has made big changes in the way I understand my children and the way I parent them. I am so happy to have found Lauren’s sleep certification course and can’t wait to finish the course and help other families with sleep though getting connected with their parenting instincts. Baby led sleep is about more than just sleep it’s helping families to work together and build their relationships and help their children to discover their full potential.
Thank you so much again for this course. It is such a gift to the world and our future, given how misguided most parents have been by traditional sleep training. This is a revolution and I’m honored to be part of it.
“She does not have a one-size fits all approach and she really tailors her advice to your specific situation, child, family and goals.”
Emma Lendt
I am loving this course! It’s piecing together my intuition with science-based findings and helping me to see the long term, big picture. The self-pacing works really well for me, while the weekly webinars keeping me honest in my timeline. I’m already changing the way I interact with my family and I can’t wait to help others do the same.
Valerie Groysman, M.S.W., R.S.W.
“I am enjoying this course very much. It is quite timely as parents are starting to be more aware and are eager for alternatives that align with parent’s natural instincts to keep our babies safe and secure; physically, mentally, emotionally. The course is very comprehensive and truly sets the foundation for the clinician to work with each individual family to figure out the root cause of any sleep challenges, as an alternative to band-aid solutions of short term gain. This course arms participants with the ability to educate parents on the fact that “sleep train or harm your baby” is simply a false message. It provides the required knowledge and tools towards a compassionate and intuitive way to facilitate healthy sleep. This certificate prepares knowledgeable and responsive professionals to empower and enable parents to reconnect with their instincts and make healthier, happier, informed decisions on their journey towards restful sleep.”
first of all, thank you for this amazing course!
I’m loving every minute of it and it already completely changed me and my daughter’s relationship (for the better of course!).
Understanding about where this is coming from, I can handle tantrums and all the emotions my 2 year old has much better than before and parenting already seems so much easier!
I also love all the support we get in the Facebook group!
The course already taught me the following important lessons:
Becoming a parent triggers people’s deep, unaddressed difficulties (and also provides great resources to cope with these difficulties). Sometimes simply realizing these sticking points is enough to release tension. It’s also ok to ask for help and get the support you need to feel better, which helps the whole family.
Sleep challenges and solutions are not actually about changing a child’s behavior or patterns. Instead, we need to look at why control feels so important to parents and how to rethink the situation. This reframe helps parents relax so we can enjoy our babies. There’s a lot of relief in letting go, once you learn effective ways to do so!
A whole world of revolutionary and freeing information exists with Dr. Neufeld’s work and your approach. These techniques and ideas can’t reach the world fast enough, but I know they’ll make a lasting difference for anyone lucky enough to learn them.
Thank you again for such a wonderful opportunity! I’m so glad I took the leap and made time to take the course.
…just wanted to say how much I am enjoying the course so far. You are doing such an amazing job…
Alex & May
“Lauren has a deep wealth of evidence-based knowledge and is light years ahead of the typical cookie cutter ‘sleep trainer’.”
I’m half way through week 9 and loving the content!
Initially when I signed up for your course I was thinking of it as a potential career change. I think at the time I just needed a valid reason to take the course instead of just being ok wanting to spend some money learning more about how I was parenting my child.
My plan moving forward is to take this learning to be the best possible mother for my baby.
Your course has been more than I ever imagined! I’ve been on a journey far beyond parenting. I’ve discovered that in order to be a better mother that I needed to really understand me, what I was bringing to our relationship and be more aware.
I have also learned so much from you personally about being courageous and unapologetic for being yourself. Thank you for that! Overall I am much more confident standing my ground and doing the right thing for my daughter even if it upsets others.
I certainly was not expecting to want to better understand how I was parented as a young baby or even how my mothers pregnancy was with me as it has an effect on my daughter. I am finding the content of the course fascinating. Thank you for putting together such a well rounded and certainly holistic approach to learning more about babies!
The Parenting Beyond Sleep course has transformed the way I think about parenting and my relationship with my son. Truly from a holistic perspective and a relationship-based mindset. The material can be potentially triggering at first, but just what I needed to hear and learn. Understanding attachment theory, boundaries, emotion and my role as a mama in all of this helped me shift my perspective and parenting style. I did not realize I was avoiding my son’s emotion (as it triggered me) I, -insert boob here- and the potential effects that doing so could play on our relationship and his future. This course has made me want to become a better person and parent. I feel more equipped to handle situations and make changes both day and night with confidence when necessary in our home. I am so grateful to have been able to access and learn about this information. I can’t recommend this course enough! 10/10
Really enjoying the course so far. Not exactly what I expected but I knew your course would be different from just straight “how to sleep” which is great. Excited to keep going and see it all come together!
“When I first learned about the sleep certification I was a bit hesitant to sign up as I’ve heard many horror stories about sleep training. After speaking to Lauren I was sold. She explained her approach was much different than the traditional “cry it out” method as her goal is to find the route of the problem, looking at all factors that go beyond sleep.
In just a short few months we’ve heard from many professions, including Occupational Therapist, Registered Polysomnographic Technologist, Holistic Nutritionist, Lactation Consultant and Registered Marriage and Family therapist. This past week was the most interesting to me as we studied all about mom. I feel this topic is not discussed enough and self-care is so important when raising young children. The Conscious Parent is an amazing book that opened my eyes to a different approach to parenting. I know I will be a better parent because I have read this book.
I highly recommend this course. Lauren is such a passionate, inspiring and wonderful teacher. Can’t wait to start my journey.”
Just wanted to say that I am so glad I am taking this course- I am certified as a sleep consultant . I got into sleep and postpartum because of my experience with my first born- but as a doula, and attachment/respectful parenting educator I felt like it didn’t make sense. So far your course is so WONDERFUL, I feel like I am exactly where I need to be. I have always believed babies and children should not be put into boxes in regards to expectations- and I spend a lot of time telling parents to not OBSESS on schedules and wake times and schedules.
Thank You Thank You
I just wanted to share how refreshing the content is and how beautifully it is aligned with everything I have learned in my educational background in children’s mental health and in working with young kids and their families. It goes beyond the sleep, like you mentioned and the info makes so much sense! …. I really see amazing potential to your course and feel excited and honored to be a part of this!!!! Thank you!
This is my third certification. I can say that I am a sleep geek, but this course is taking me to a next level. Seriously!!!
Emma McFarland
The course has helped me to feel so empowered to trust my instincts when it comes to caring for him and love that it aligns with my parenting style and places so much importance on attachment and connection.
This has easily been my best parenting purchase and is such an amazing resource to have in your toolkit.
Dr. Jean Clinton
“The more I learn of your approach, the more impressed I am. Your thoughtful, informed, family and child honoring approach is so wonderful especially in a field where allowing babies to cry it out is almost seen as normal and inevitable. I have even suggested my daughter reach out to you with her 5-month-old twins.”
I’m SO excited to get into the emotion piece. I feel good so far in the material we’ve learned, but feel like there’s a huge piece of the puzzle missing. And I have a feeling that this is it! I’ve already personally felt a shift in my parenting style and in turn witnessed a change in my kid’s behavior, which has been huge for us because we’ve been struggling for awhile. So I’m definitely ready to dive in, learn more, affect change in my family and then in other people’s lives.
Thank you for offering this course, it has been wonderful so far!
Kaitlin Klimmer
I have studied and worked in the field of child development for over a decade, but it wasn’t until I had my own daughter that I realized how important sleep is. It truly is the missing piece of the puzzle, but unfortunately, something we rarely read about in our textbooks. Nevertheless, I was hesitant to take this course. Isn’t sleep an infant and toddler issue, that will resolve itself on it’s own, I thought? I couldn’t have been more wrong. Sleep is simply the symptom of a much bigger problem, and now that I’m in the course, I’m wondering why this isn’t required learning for everyone working with babies and children. Lauren’s course delves into so many fascinating topics, from nutrition to sensory input to brain development to attachment theory to maternal mental health. I have loved every unit in the course; it has increased my understanding of so many aspects of child development that I didn’t even know I was lacking in. I can’t recommend this course enough, for parents and for professionals alike.
If you’re on the fence about taking this course, DO IT! You will not be disappointed. Lauren is so passionate about what she does and it shines through in every video. We’ve learned from Lauren as well as countless other experts from supporting fields and the content has been wonderful. This is so much more than just a sleep course and I’m so glad I made the decision to further my sleep education by taking it. I cannot wait to see what the second half has to offer because I know it will continue to be amazing!
Shannon Sunega
After taking my first sleep course through Isla-Grace, I finally found an approach to guide my daughter’s sleep that felt right! It wiped me free of the guilt I had been feeling as I resisted the pressure to sleep train from our doctor, counsellor, and even family and friends. This course gave me the information I was looking for to finally support my natural instinct and the understanding about the science behind infant sleep that allowed me to guide my daughter in the right direction. Overall, I found the course to be extremely informative, easy to understand and most importantly, scientifically backed by reputable sources. I highly recommend this course as the right starting place to begin your journey in attachment based parenting and can’t thank Lauren enough for her contributions to the field. This course has literally improved our quality of life and allowed us to enjoy this precious age with our daughter!
I’ve been loving the content so far! I love to learn so all of the information has been fascinating to me. I also have become so much more conscious and aware of my own parenting style. All of the emotion/attachment content I have learned from taking your courses as well as in this certification course has really helped me with my own parenting! I feel like I am able to approach difficult situations with more patience and a greater understanding. I am so grateful!
I also wanted to say real quick that I thoroughly enjoy the course and I’m so excited for the next few weeks as I feel like it’s getting even better after all the basics. I’ve been learning so much already and feel that the choices I have made since my son was born got validated, which feels really good. I was at a point a few month ago where I questioned myself as by expert standards l was doing everything wrong (i.e. breastfeeding to sleep, contact napping, not following a strict schedule etc.). Luckily, I was strong enough to stop listening and to simply keep following my intuition. I can already tell that this course is going to be invaluable for my parenting journey. I’m so happy to join this community and help spread the word about baby sleep and so much more. You are incredibly inspiring and the work you are doing is so empowering. Thank you and please keep doing what you are doing. It is so so important.
I finished the Baby Led Sleep Certification a couple months ago and it was so extremely beneficial to my business. It has allowed me to develop great relationships and connections with not only sleep coaches, but other supporting practitioners as well. I feel empowered to truly support families in following their instincts when it comes to their children and by doing so, feel that I’m supporting every family’s unique needs rather than following a generic plan. I can’t say enough great things about this course and I am so grateful to be a part of this group of amazing women!
I am SO excited about the course! I think you’ve done such a great job pulling everything together and the course looks great from what I’ve seen so far.
Victoria Parsons
I have absolutely loved the content and your approach. Thank you so much for being transparent and being courageous in what you share. You were so inspiring!
Lauren’s passion and charisma are inspiring. The approach she takes not only on educating parents but training baby led sleep & well-being specialists is admirable! This course has changed the way I see all kids and given me a better understanding on sleep challenges, attachment parenting and “behaviour problems”. She is well educated and backs everything she teaches us with hard facts, science, psychology and resource videos from doctors and specialists. I could not recommend this course highly enough and am so grateful to be a part of this movement she has started. If you’ve been pondering doing this course, I say go for it, you will not regret it and it gives you the ability to educate parents and change their perspective and relationships with their children and that is priceless.
Jenn Carson
I am really enjoying the course. I knew sleep was complex, but it is all starting to make sense.
I have enjoyed every part of this course and the journey with all the other members involved. It feels as though we have our own little village of support.
I was worried at first that I wouldn’t be able to keep up and stay on track, but the context is so interesting. I find myself so intrigued and eager for the next video / lesson.
Taking this course was easily the best decision I have made in parenting!
Thank you again for coming into my life when you did and transforming the way I parent, day and night. Not only that, but I have also been able to discover a new career that is fulfilling beyond what I could have predicted while allowing me to be present for my family in a way I have always dreamt of. I am so excited to be parts of such a great community whose main focus is validating, inspiring, encouraging and supporting moms everywhere.
I am loving everything about this course, especially the Neufeld section. I am learning so much about myself and enjoy implementing his methods into my own parenting style. Hold on To Your Kids is such a powerful book. I wish someone had recommended it to me when I started my parenting journey.
I always look forward to the weekly webinars. I enjoy the chat option, which makes me feel connected to the group, even though you can’t see us.
This course is so much more than I was anticipating. Your passion and commitment to this group is very inspiring. I am going to miss this couse when it’s complete.
Laura Sullivan
I am so happy I found Lauren as she has 100% changed the way I parent and the way I view my relationship with my daughter. I just finished her course for 6-18 month olds and the information is so incredibly valuable, informative, non-judgemental and evidence based. I wish I had learned the information while I was pregnant!! The first 6 months of my daughter’s life were filled with anxiety, stress, obsession about sleep/short naps/wake ups etc. once I started reading her information and digging into what she had to say it was truly transformative. I highly recommend taking the online course – so much so that I’m looking forward to enrolling in her baby led sleep certification in the future! Thank you Lauren you’ve changed my life.
This course has been life changing.
Wow, I have so much admiration for you, to be able to do the work that you do in such an emotionally fuelled industry is SO tough! The more I listen to you speak on the videos the more I think you are single handedly changing the attitude towards sleep – in a good way!
Valerie Groysman, M.S.W., R.S.W.
I am enjoying this course very much. It is quite timely as parents are starting to be more aware and are eager for alternatives that align with parent’s natural instincts to keep our babies safe and secure; physically, mentally, emotionally. The course is very comprehensive and truly sets the foundation for the clinician to work with each individual family to figure out the root cause of any sleep challenges, as an alternative to band-aid solutions of short term gain. This course arms participants with the ability to educate parents on the fact that “sleep train or harm your baby” is simply a false message. It provides the required knowledge and tools towards a compassionate and intuitive way to facilitate healthy sleep. This certificate prepares knowledgeable and responsive professionals to empower and enable parents to reconnect with their instincts and make healthier, happier, informed decisions on their journey towards restful sleep.
Also, just wanted to say that I am loving the course! I think it has already been worth its weight in gold, even in just helping me to understand my daughter and support her emotionally. I love that you are changing the conversation around sleep. It is so refreshing to listen to you talk about it!
Elli Pears, Sleep Coach
If you’re on the fence about taking this course, DO IT! You will not be disappointed. Lauren is so passionate about what she does and it shines through in every video. We’ve learned from Lauren as well as countless other experts from supporting fields and the content has been wonderful. This is so much more than just a sleep course and I’m so glad I made the decision to further my sleep education by taking it.
Emma McFarland
I knew I needed help with sleep but everywhere I looked I found “gentle” programs that just didn’t sit right with me. I am so grateful that I discovered Isla Grace’s course – it has been incredible.
Learning the reasons behind our sleep issues and being informed on what is normal infant sleep has been a game changer. I wish this stuff was taught to us in prenatal classes!
I’ve now got a place to start and feel like I have the knowledge to help my little guy (and me) get a better nights sleep. I’m already noticing a reduction in his false starts and naps are becoming easier.
The course has also helped me to feel so empowered to trust my instincts when it comes to caring for him and love that it aligns with my parenting style and places so much importance on attachment and connection.
This has easily been my best parenting purchase and is such an amazing resource to have in your toolkit.
Thank you for providing a truly gentle, wholistic approach to help families sleep better.
Sheri Stahl
I’m absolutely loving all the content! I think you have done an amazing job putting it all together! Everything is top notch! I’m a few days behind but I’m just making sure I’m able to soak it all in. It’s my escape from parenting and I love how I’m learning so much but also working on my own family development!
I truly appreciate the opportunity to learn from you, this is such an amazing opportunity!
All I remember thinking through my whole first year as being a new mom was “I wish I could find someone to support me with my sleep questions and respect the way I choose to parent!” Then I was introduced to Lauren. Lauren’s approach to sleep was exactly what I was looking for. Sleep is not just about sleep. Sleep is all encompassing of everything we do throughout the day and more. I immediately felt like I needed to dive in further and take her sleep certification course. I continued to become more excited each week as we dove into the content more and more. My passion for movement, connection and intuition were truly highlighted in this course. Lauren has brilliantly compiled a comprehensive, thought provoking, supportive, nurturing program to train others how to provide the space and love needed throughout parenthood. My questions about sleep were not only answered but also reinforced that I can do it. I can be the parent I want to be.
I was able to find some time today to listen to the videos and relax and I’m really happy I did because I quickly realized this is what I need! Learning this material is was fuels my days because it is directly applicable to the stage of life we’re in right now. I have helped my sister so much with her own kids too – she has completely changed the way she parents based on Hold onto your Kids, it has been really nice reading the book together because we share ideas all the time. She also shares these ideas at work with her colleagues and recommends the book because so many of them have toddlers/young children (she is a nurse too).
Elizabeth Butler, Psychologist, PsyD
As I progress through the seminars, I have thoughts like:
I wish Lauren lived closer because the way she thinks about child rearing is uncommon, so compassionate, and beautiful and What an amazing opportunity to go through her training. I absolutely made the right choice to do this now.
Sarah Hemstock
With both our boys we followed our instincts, which is something I am proud of but often kept to myself to avoid judgement or unsolicited advice. We ditched the sleep training with our first after a single two minute attempt and instead cherished the nursing and snuggling to sleep because that is what felt right. With our second we had to follow our instincts and really push to resolve health issues. His medical concern severely affected his sleep and could have resulted in very different outcomes if we hadn’t followed these instincts.
The education Lauren has provided me with has strongly validated my decisions and I cannot wait to support other parents in following their nautal feelings when it comes to building and nurturing realtionships with thier children and how this affects sleep.
Everthing we have learned for far in this course has also impacted how I parent daily, and not just when it comes to sleep. I can hardly wait to start working as a holisitic sleep consultant and sharing all this amazing infomation with others.