Hello! I’m Erika of @GracefullySleeping. After having my first baby, I thought that she was some magical unicorn. By 6 weeks old, she was sleeping 6 hour stretches, eating and then going back to sleep for another few hours. Then she turned four months old and we hit the 4-month sleep progression and everything fell apart. So much of society was pushing me towards sleep training, but in my gut it just didn’t fell right. One middle of the night wakeup I stumbled across Isla-Grace’s Instagram page and everything clicked. An approach that helped me to understand that what I was experiencing with my child was completely normal! Before having my daughter, I worked as a Special Education teacher for 8 years and then as a Board Certified Behavior Analyst for almost 2 years. This education and experience helped me to feel prepared in navigating behavioral and developmental milestones; however, the information I learned in this course helped me to really connect with my daughter and support her needs where she is at from sleep to emotional connection and beyond! My approach to working with families works with the attachment and emotional needs of both mom and baby to help to work through sleep difficulties and to achieve more sleep without sleep training. Recently, my husband and I have transitioned to full time RV living with our little one and our pups- I hope that this will help me to also assist families with sleep challenges while traveling!